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AIT Profile – OT Mitchell

May 30, 2024
Photo credits – OT Mitchell

May’s Director of the Month is Dallas’s own OT Mitchell! OT has been with American Immersion Theater since 2014 and has gone above and beyond in his time with us. Being that he is not only the Dallas director but also the Assistant Director Program Coordinator and a member of Production, there’s a lot he does that keeps our ship afloat!


OT Mitchell and some members of his troupe hosting a murder mystery show. Credits – OT Mitchell

Denison, Texas is a small town of fewer than 30,000 people near the boarder of Texas and Oklahoma. People know Denison due to its beautiful state parks and as a former home to the late president, Dwight D. Eisenhower. OT, however, never had his eyes set on becoming a member of the Executive Branch. Even as a child, OT wanted to become an actor. He achieved this dream long ago when he joined American Immersion Theater, and eventually became the Dallas director where he began teaching actors the ins and outs of immersive theater. He now lives in Colbert, OK, and has a long commute to Dallas for each rehearsal he spearheads. To prepare for this as well as any shows he’s hosting, he listens to podcasts, music, and gets calm.

OT continues to be instrumental in our Assistant Director Program which is how we develop future directors into leaders. “I love getting to work with ADs and watch them grow,” OT says, “seeing them eventually take that next step into becoming directors is very rewarding.” It’s rewarding across the board. Since he has become a part of the program, we have seen several assistant directors flourish in their role and become killer directors themselves, and we can’t thank him enough.

Personal Life

OT and his wife, Sarah. Credits – OT Mitchell

OT enjoys a lot of activities outside of working for American Immersion Theater. He loves watching wrestling, antique shopping, traveling, food, and nature photography. If he isn’t doing any of that, you can find him hanging out with his wife, Sarah, and his four cats, Salem, Iris, Hobbes, and Milo.

Although he loves acting and the spotlight, OT considers himself a private person who loves sarcastic humor and his family. His late Papaw is his hero because of his great work ethic and the respect he gave everyone who crossed his path. OT takes a lot of inspiration from him as well as general happiness that surrounds his life. Sarah is his biggest supporter, and their cats are their little cheerleaders. Little joys like hiking, playing video games, and going to the movies creates a lovely life for them. His personal life is rich, and being able to get lost in characters he portrays is a cherry on top.

Milo, Hobbes, Salem, and Iris – Photo Credits – OT Mitchell

Where to find him

OT is a hard man to pin down, but you can always see him on Instagram or on Facebook where he posts about his day-to-day life, his cats, and his travels. Other than that, if you’re living in the greater Dallas area, you might be lucky enough to see him at a show one day. He’s sure to give you a show to die for!

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